
More than likely, you have stumbled onto my Blog. You are in for an Adventure, because I think there is no family as antimated as mine and I see funny things in so many situations.

Sit back and enjoy your time with us.

Adele and Devon Etherton

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I had gone to a Children's Mission program at the Bedford Church of the Nazarene.  It was a wonderful day of educating our children and how the children of Haiti have to work so hard to even have water to drink.  Many of them do not even have the opportunity to go to school.  I find it hard to believe that so many of them want an education and we have children who are trying to get out of going to school.

One of the things that they gave me was a Flipper.  It is used as an Evangelism tool for children.  I listened to the instructions carefully and just knew someday, I was going to be asked "What is that?".

Sure enough, I got my opportunity from my own grandson Luke.  Luke was still 4 in February and would not be 5 till the end of May.  I was not sure I could explain it to him, but he wanted to see it work.

I picked it up and started to explain it to him.  The yellow is Heaven.  This is where Jesus lives.  The black is sin.  We sin when we do bad or naughty things.  When we sin, we can not go to heaven.  It is like when you get all wet and dirty, you can not get into bed.  But, we can ask Jesus to forgive us.  We can say we are sorry, and if we really mean it, the red, which is the blood of Jesus, covers our bad things.  Jesus really loves us and wants to do that for us.  When that happens, our hearts are clean, just like this white heart.  Then, I flipped back to the yellow and explained that when that happens, Jesus will make sure we can go to heaven someday.

Luke seemed to be excited.  I think he was more excited that it flipped to different colors.  He took the flipper and went away.  I just figured, it was way to early for him to understand.

Oh yea of little faith!

A few weeks later, it was one of those yucky days.  It was really gloomy outside and rainy.  There would be no time to play outside.  It was much to cold.  I told Luke that maybe later in the day it would get better.

As the afternoon progressed, Luke was making a mess in his room and I knew mom was not going to be happy.  I asked him to start picking his things up and I want back to reading my Kindle.

Luke came running in with the little flipper and said, "Nana, I told Jesus I was sorry, and look"  he pulled back the blinds, " and he gave me his son!"  Just as he said that, the sun came out, not for long, but long enough for Luke.  He really did understand.

I hugged him, thanked Jesus and cried!

Now, it was close to Easter and we were making cardboard testimonies!  You know the kind that say, I was dead to sin and now I know Christ....etc...

Luke wanted me to help him make one.  I did help him and Luke shows everything on his face...Don't ya think????

 five colored pages to represent Heaven and God's love, the darkness of sin, the blood of Christ, a clean heart and Christian growth. The new Gospel Flipper-Flapper and Gospel Turnaround uses these colors and symbols. Each evangelism tool comes with a free instruction leaflet. Select your preference of the Instruction Leaflet in English or Spanish.