
More than likely, you have stumbled onto my Blog. You are in for an Adventure, because I think there is no family as antimated as mine and I see funny things in so many situations.

Sit back and enjoy your time with us.

Adele and Devon Etherton

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jesus, are you here?

Lucas had a bit of a bad day yesterday.  Seems that he is again, touching things that are just not his.  Really hard for an almost four year old to only touch with his eyes. (Now that is another story all in itself).

Papa Devon came home to find that one of the two Walkie Talkies that were charging on the kitchen sink was missing.

It is bright gold and stands like a soldier, one behind the other.  Now, I know that is tempting, even for me.  Papa has been trying to charge them, so we will have them all ready when we finally get to go camping.  We used to use them in the grocery store before we both had cell phones.

"Clean up on isle 4!"... lol... and "Fish slapping on isle 8". 

Well, papa asked Lukie if he know where it was.  Luke told him it was in his room and a not to happy papa asked him to go get it and return it to its proper place.

Today, Luke was having a ruff day.  He said no one likes him and I told him that when you are nice to everyone, they will like you.  He said its not easy to be nice and he had already talked to Jesus yesterday about it.  I told him he might want to try again.

I was telling Uncle Dylan and Uncle Tristan about it.  Tristan said that they had put the Walkie Talkie in Luke's room and pretended to be the voice of God.  Luke was on his knees, by his bed, praying and looking around. 


The poor boy kept looking around.  He keeps telling everyone he talked to Jesus.

Pretty funning having uncles who mess with you!!  Wonder how long he will remember this story.

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