Just think, an entire house all to ourselves...
NOT... LOL...
One of our big responsibilites was to take care of the animals in their family.
William is a big orange cat who loved being around Devon. He would run in and greet us at the door when we arrived home.
Otis is a big fury cat. Otis has asthma and it was just the beginning of the pollen season. Cats don't weeze like you and me, they cough. Sounds more like furball season. It was my job to make sure that Otis got his meds every morning and evening. The first day, he was so hard to catch. Devon suggested that I throw a towel over him to stop him in his tracks. But, after the first day, he realized I was going to be relentless.
Earl is Earl!!
Devon describes them as follows: William is clingy Otis is a pill popper and Earl is his own man! Devon is a man of fewer words than I am.
Then we have the two turtles, one Beta Fish and one Bird named Joe!!
Not that each one does not have a personality, but Joe, now he is an adventure.
Joe puts cocky into the name Cockatiel... With a beak like case hardened steel he crushes sunflower nuts as though they were Al-Qaeda tanks yet never misses a chance to wolf whistle at a fine young maiden.
...and the dog is awesome...big and fury and shedding like a clipped lamb. Her fur made it into more places than I knew exsisted. Of course, it molting season and was getting warm outside. I'd brush her and brush her to make her feel better, but I think it only made me feel better. I felt like I was helping her out of her winter coat. But she is wonderful.
Ah yes Chloe... Ever watching and listening....Ready to protect the floor from any damage the slightest bit of food might cause by touching it.....Ready to warn you if the mailman or squirrel gets too close to the house....Bravely barking if anyone knocks then stealthily positions herself behind the bed ready to attack if they are carrying dangerous cheeseburgers...Sweet,kind and loving...
Always eager to wash your hands and keep your feet warm.
Keeps the cats in check by promising them that one day she will knock over Joe's cage for them...
Devon and I surely felt like we had everything under control. Having a full house of critters was much better than a full house of messing children. As the days went by, we got into a routine and everyone seemed happy.
Devon and I decided that we would barbecue. We don't get that many chances and we do enjoy the flavor.
One evening, two minutes before nine p.m., I ran into JUST A BUCK to look for a wire brush to clean off the gas grill that had not been open yet from the winter storage.
Devon brushed and cleaned it off and then lit is up to burn off the bad stuff. It was not difficult to light. As a matter of fact, it lit right up. Flames reached as high as the garage roof. Smoked filled the air. All I could think of from inside of the house was, this smells like a good barbecue..
When I went outside to check, I saw rolling black smoke like a tire factory hit with napalm that smelled like porkchops....With the roar of a 757 jet and the heat of a blacksmiths forge.
Okay, it really did not go that high!! Devon turned off the gas and put the lid down in order to smother the fire. Twenty minutes later, the fire was still burning. We actually cooked steak and burgers with no gas on. Good thing to, as we were not sure how much gas was in the tank.
We truly enjoyed out time there. Peace and quiet. Just the two of us. Okay, two of us, one grandchild, one fish, three cats, one dog, two turtles...and OH, By the way...there were 5 crabs no one told me about!!
LOL! You've started a blog! COOL!!
ReplyDeleteCertainly not as wonderful as yours. You have talent, I just write! Much easier to journal here. I can type pretty fast. Hope you get a smile now and then.